
Hey there, folks! I’m glad to share with the world my newest creation: my first user interface kit in .psd form. Inside, you’ll find lots of elements you can use in your personal or commercial projects.  Please share it with the world to spread the love and be sure to leave a comment if you have any feedback. The custom font used is a Google Font so you’re free to head on over to their website and download it for yourself. The .psd file is very well organized and you’ll find each element has its own folder and most layers are properly named for easy access.

This freebie requires attribution! Please don’t claim that you made it, don’t try and sell it as a whole or as separate elements. Other than that, feel free to use it!

Click here to download this freebie

Format: Layered PSD
Smart Objects: Yes
Dimensions: 1900 × 1612 px
Size: 3.59 Mb
